Selasa, 28 Februari 2012

make autobiography - Leni Nuraeni

The Autobiography
People have a lot of change, that is happening to everyone, and that is happening to me, and this is the story.
I was born on September 22 1993 in Bandung and I am not alone when my mother uttered us, because she has born twin babies. My mother gave me a name, Leni Nuraeni and Lina Herlina, to my twin sister. My mother never thinks that she would have twin babies and so do I. Actually, I have two sisters, the oldest and the youngest. Yasmin is my youngest sister, she is seven years old and the oldest is Lina. Lina and I are seventeen years old. I have parents, my mother’s name is Lilis Laswati and my father’s name is Kodir Badrudin. My mother is single parent now, because my dad is passed away when end November 2011.
My mom and my late dad were entered me to elementary school, SDN I Sukawarna. I went to elementary school when I was four years old. I so confused when I came to my elementary school. My elementary school nears my house, it just 100 meters. At the first time there were many children and they are wearing the uniform. When my mother asked me to joined to the class, I was really scary. My twin sister, she did not scare .She joined to the class and she sat down in the first bench. She asked me to join to the class and I wanted.

I sat down beside my twin sister. She could adaptation in new environment but I could not. When the lesson started, I run to my mother. I run because the teacher asked me to stand up in front of class and introduce myself.
I said to my mother “Mommy, I want to go home”. My mother said “No, honey you have to back to the class”. I forced to join again in the class. I do not know, until now I cannot adaptation in new environment.

When I was in junior high school, I got nickname while I was still at SD's school. My friends called with the naming' Lohan's fish. I even did not trust it, I even asked to my friend that why I called with Lohan’s fish "why, I called Lohan's fish?", my friend answers "you did not realize that you have a big head and your forehead is so ‘nongnong’ like kindred Lohan's fish". My mother confused because see my changed behavior and my mother asked "why you often glassed latterly?" I  asked to my mother "Mom, am I look like a Lohan’s fish?", My mother asked back "why you said that?", I answered "at school my friends called Lohan's fish because My forehead very ‘nongnong’ like Lohan’s fish". My mother just razzing and say "Yes, honey your forehead more ‘nongnong’ than other child while you was still a baby but be not meaning fish kindred Lohan’s,  now you did not care what was  your friend said If they called you like that, it can just they love you honey", I just can smile and follow my mother advice. 
 When we were kids, my twin sister and I never separate until now. We are always study in the same school. Except when we are entered senior high school and college. 

Senin, 27 Februari 2012

English Literature is the first step to know the World Literature. By studying the realm of literature that includes parents in Europe we will be able to recognize the nation, people, history, areas in the United Kingdom and across the region who have no association with the history of the British nation. Please note that the United Kingdom is said to be the country that the sun never set, but a small country area and the city of London during the six winter months the sun is rarely visible. Why is that?. Because the British had invaded the entire region down to the ends of the world. French literature of the world's literature, Russian literature and Chinese literature.

Autobiography - Neneng Farida Rahmah

My name is Neneng Farida Rahmah. I was born in Pandeglang 05th of May 1993. I am the first daughter in my family. My father’s name is Yakub Al-hilal and my mother’s name is Epon Huriah Mariam. I have one brother; his name is Muhamad Yahya Salim Al-hilal. And one sister, her name is NunungNurLatifah.
            When I was born, my mother told me that it is very difficult to bear me out. And my mother has to struggle very hard for it.  The doctor was busy because before my mother having me in womb, she has my brother fell prematurely and it leads to the difficulty of my born. My father and mother were very happy at that time and I could feel what they felt. My mother told me that I was a normal baby, because my height was 2, 9 kg.
            Almost every mother ever felt baby blues. It because they feel surprised when they have a baby for the first time, and my mother felt it too.
            I call my mother ‘mamah’ and my father ‘bapa’.  This titleis odd and seldom be applied in the modern period, but now still many children call their parents with the title. 
I am very happy become their child. My parent always loves and keeps me. I feel like the luckiest baby in the world. I cannot feel it at that time, but even I just know the story from my mother,my tears are rolled down, because my parent really wants to have a baby and because of that, they always love me.
            I am the first grandchild from my father’s family. So, my aunt and uncles always love me and keep me like my parents. In my mother family, I am the fourth grandchild, and I am loved by them too.
            Everyday I get many affection and attention from my parent. I feel like life in a heaven. Every night I always cry, it makes my parent wake up every night. At the time I could not say anything, I just can cry and cry. If I could speak I will say “Sorry my parent I did not mean to wake you up”, but I could not say anything. They enjoy their time when they take me care. Yes..Those are risks become a parent, but those are really pleasure things.
            They care my baby time, I am indulged and loved. My cuteand small body makes people around me wanted to carry me on their back and kiss me. I like a little angel who always gives happiness and good situation around me, because baby is holy creature and has not sin.
I was in kindergarten
            My kindergarten is an Islamic school. So, in Friday all of the students must wear veil. I knew the intentionof my parents to enter me there, because they want me to be a sholehah girl and never forget to pray.
            I felt better go to school than just stay at home. I could spend my time there, and my life was so colorful.
Every day I went to school with my neighbor. She was in class B1and I was in classA. My class is for studentsin 4 years old and must be continued to B class.
I enjoyedlearning there. I could study many subjects, from readingand basic religion science for children. My teachers always wore veil everyday, and they look very beautiful.
Usually I brought food from house and I eat together with my friends in the class. My mother is a creative woman. She always cooked a delicious food.
I remember when my mother cooked fried rice. She separatedthe fried rice become a small bribe, there are egg and sausages in every bribe. It was a unique food, and I always eat it everyday.
I like when we gave a glass of milk chocolate. I like it very much. We always drank it in our glass. The taste was so sweet and I like it very much, a delicious drink. Hmmmmmm....   
I must spent two years in this kindergarten, because my age is not enough to enter to elementary school, so, I must enjoy it.
            My mother always made my hair look so funny with many accessories that I wore in my hair. My mother is a creative woman and could made new mode for me.
Entered Elementary School
            I was 5 years old, and I was a student in elementary school. It was odd, but it was the reality.
            I entered to class 1a. I was school in SDN Magung V. The school was same with my kindergarten. I entered there because the school near with my house, and I could walk from my house without use public transportation.
            In that time I could wear a white red uniform. My mother bought for me and I wear it. As usual I prepared anything for school. 
        Islamic Boarding House Era (Junior High School)
After I graduated from the elementary school, I continued my school in the islamic boarding school. Actually I did not wanna go to islamic boarding school. But my parents wanted me to go there. So, I could not refuse that...
At the beginning of the Islamic boarding school I felt so strange with the situation  over there. I entered the hostel without any preparation at all, because at that time I did not intend to enter islamic boarding school. I did not bring eating utensils, toiletries, and school supplies and I just brought clothes pickup only, but there I met many new friends who came from various cities, such as Karawang, Sukabumi, Purwakarta, Jakarta, and others. Yeah.. They were very kind to me, though  sometime I faced the problem with them and  then was made cry by them.
MAN Ciparay was My Senior High School Era
In MAN Ciparay I entered to class XI IPA, but actually I did not know why I got that class?? because I thought that I was a lazy girl, and students there usually must be diligent students.
On the first day, I came late to school. Because I did not know where is my new school and it made me lost the way in the trip to go there. I asked to every one whom I met during the trip. It was very exhausted, but finally I could find it!
After I arrived at school, I guessed that I would be the new student there. But I was wrong!! Because there were three new students in that class. I felt so strange but spacious too. When I realized, I was not the only new one there.

The other new students is Siska Elsera, Cucu Nurjanah, Ratna Wuri Nurhayanti. I thougth the students in sciences class would tend to quiet. But once more, I was wrong!
In fact, they were very active, talkative, commotion, funny, fussy, and cool. Well, if I were in that class I never remember again all about my sadness before. Because my friends in the class was very amused me..
Now, I am here, in State Islamic University
After I graduated from MAN Ciparay. I was confussed with my next education, because I did not have a choice to enter university. But my m0ther always give me motivasion to enter university. And she registered me to UPI by UM way and UIN by PPA, But I did not get the success of that examination. I was very sad, but my mother  always gave me motivations again, and again. Ouh...I love her very much..
So she sugessted me to follow examination in UIN in sains teknology’s faculty and adab humanity’s faculty, and also to follow SMPTN with first choise in UNPAD and second choise in UPI. And I followed her sugestion. But in SNMPTN I got fail again. On that time I was very desperate.  And finally, I found my lucky in UIN by the examination way. I entered to UIN with confuse feeling. Because I thought that I have entered a directions that I never thought before. That is english department in adab and humanity faculty. 

            That is all the story of my life. Sometimes I feel happy, sometimes I feel sad. I think my life is beautiful. It is because I always enjoy my life. Life must go on and we do not give up. Every moment gives me lesson and I can learn from it.I hope the story of my life will gives us a lesson, but I know that I am not a perfect person, I always made mistakes.           

Essay Writing (Topic and introductary)

Global Warming
Our earth will not last forever, while we rely on the earth to survive. We all will perish when the earth destroyed by various causes. It sounds very scary, but we need to realize that the earth's resources are limited. The use of the earth's resources at random as now, could lead to an end in the destruction of human life. Scientists speculate on changes in the composition of the earth, whether it is about global warming or mineral resource that has begun to degenerate. Let us observe how we are slowly but surely leading to the destruction made by our own hands. How does the Global warming campaign?
created by Muhammad Hakim