Sabtu, 25 Februari 2012

An Autobiografi_Nurul Fadillah

In one place at Cirebon named Pegambiran, twenty years ago exactly October 3 1991, I was born. I was born in midwife’s house. And then I was named Nurul Fadillah. It means the light for everyone. So that my parents hope someday, I will lighten everyone around me.
I am originally from sundanesse family. My parents came from the same village in the south part of Tasikmalaya, Cikalong. It is about 30 km from Tasikmalaya City and of course, it is take very long time to get there. On the other hand, I am so glad for being a part of the big family in Cikalong. Because I feel all of them, such as my aunts, uncles, cousins, grandmas, and grandpas are very kind person. I feel that they are irreplaceable.
Actually, my own family is not such a big family. It is just consists of four persons. They are my father, mother, sister, and my self. And they all were born in Tasikmalaya. My father was born on April 18th 1961. My mother was born on March 2nd 1965. They got marriage in 1986. My father is an entrepreneur and my mother is an elementary school teacher. I just have one sister. Her name is Wulan Juniarti. She was born in Tasikmalaya, June 2nd 1987. It means that she older 5 years than me. We were school in the same elementary, junior, and senior high school. It made us can sharing so many things about school, such as the building of school, extracurricular, teachers, and so on... But we study in different university. She had graduated from UPI last year. She took accountant department. She is very special for me. I thinks that my sister is an enjoyable sister. She can be like a best friend for me sometime.
I am sweet little girl in my family, but I would be so strange when I was out from my family. I was very diffident. It made me faced the difficult to make friends. When I was 5 years old, I came to the kindergarten school. Its location is near with the school where my mother teach. So I used to accompany by my mother all the time. That condition made me did not have many friends there, because I always cried whenever I was closed by the other children. It made the school seemed like a nightmare for me.
But the condition was change in elementary school, SDN Yasaadi. Everything was change when I was there. School was not frightened me anymore. Maybe it was because I had already know how to make friends with another students. I used to bring my toys to play there. So that, I had so many friends and some best friends there. And the times I had spent there was very pleasant. I was very enjoyed it. I was graduated from there in 2004.
After I had graduated from elementary school, I continued my study to SMPN 3 Rancaekek. Actually, I did not have a choice by my self. That was decided by my parents. Because it is located quite near from our home, and I could to use bycycle to get there. I did not have so many sweet memories there. But I had many best friends, and I always got the good achievement in my study. That seemed like me was the diligent student, but above all, I never enjoyed my study there. I was really did not know why, but I felt so lucky, because there were my best friends who always supported me all the time. And it made the times felt so short to pass.
Actually, I grew from the family who love reading very much. It makes me like reading too. I likes reading novel with the comedy and romantic genre. That hobby makes me like writing too. Sometime I makes my own story and shared that with my best friends. I always hope that someday I would be a real writer. That hope became so real when I entered Senior High School in 2007, SMA Negeri 1 Rancaekek.
SMA 1 Rancaekek was my Senior High School. It is located quiet near from my house, just like my Junior High School. Sometimes if I got up earlier, I would take a walk to get school while enjoying the fresh morning air, but if I was in hurry, I would take a public transportation. At first, I hated to be a part of that school. It was because I met a classmate who always disturb me. He was very naughty and made me felt so desperate. But later on, he would be my first love. God changed everything in my life easily and rapidly. I became so glad for every time I spent my times in that school. What a lovely school, I thought. I had so many sweet memories and I had passed 3 years which was very attractive there. Not only the love I got, but also many best friends, and an amazing extracurricular, Progression, which made me became a writer though just in my school at that time. Progression is an extracurricular of school’s magazine which published every 3 months. Because I likes writing and reading, I entered this extracurricular. And it made my dream came true. So that, I more and more love that school.
Besides reading and writing, I like listening music too. My favorite musician is The Beatles. I knew about them from my English teacher when I was in first grade of Senior High School. I like them because their songs are very enjoyable, fresh, and unique. Their lyrics is very natural, easy listening and understand. It became a reason why did I choose English Department to continue my study. Yeah, I used to search Beatles’s lyrics, and it made me more interesting to learn English.
So that, after graduated from Senior High School in 2010, while I began to choose the university, I decided to choose English Department in UIN. Actually, I wanted to be an Biology teacher. So that, I choose Biology in UPI as my first choice in SNMPTN. But I got failed! It made me so frustrated at first, but later I realized there must be another way from God which will be better for my life. I accepted in UIN for English Department direction and I remembered how I liked English lesson when I was in Senior High School. Besides, my dream was change. Now, I want to work in Ministry of Culture and Tourism. So I thank God to be a part of English Department. Because it can makes me easier to get that dream.
In English Department of UIN, I got C class. It is a very friendly class. Because the people there are very friendly persons. They are very helpful and enjoyable too. This class consists of 34 persons, and the boys are dominant. I know well the people there. They are very kind persons. Though sometimes they are annoying and rather bother, but I know it was just their way to make our relation better. They came from different places such as Tasik, Garut, Sukabumi, Sumedang, Kuningan, and so on. That difference make us can sharing about anything, such us language, food, and so on. I always enjoy my times with them. They are precious friends and I always hope that we will always be best friends forever and graduated together someday. Now, I have been studying there for almost two years, and I hope my academic there will be better every time.

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