Minggu, 26 Februari 2012

Glory Time - Muri Iryanti

Name : Muri Iryanti
ID Number : 1210503107
Class : BSI C
English Department 4th Semester
Course : Essay Writing
 Assignment type : An autobiography

Glory Time

Although I am not the assistant of a lecturer, the president of class, or a smart person in the college, I do believe that my life so far has been meaningful and exciting. From my years on senior high school, to my freshman year in college, I have learned who I truly am. I have also learned who my true friends are, and how to distinguish honest people from a crowd. My college experience so far has been filled with stressful moments and peaceful moments, but I look back with no regrets. 

Well, My name is Muri Iryanti. I was born in Bandung at 10th June in 1992. My friends used to called me Mui. Some people thought that I am a hard worker and dedicated to making good grades. They thought that because they were know about my experience to get or want something. 

I am currently attending the Islamic University of Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung (UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung ). My major is English Department at Faculty of Adab and Humanities.  I was also just inducted as a member of Association of English Department Student (AEDS).  Along with cramming for new semester and studying, this past year at UIN has been an exciting and eventful year. I have had experiences that have helped me grow as a young woman. I am thankful when I have this opportunity because I blessed when I enter this university. 

Not only in this time, but I also blessed when I was in senior high school. Some of my valuable experiences during my school here is when I was first grade, I became one of the representatives of Islamic Senior High School 2 Bandung (MAN 2 Bandung) for participating in a geography contest, and the winners would be competed in Bandung and then in Jakarta (if only I was smart enough) and then in international level that is Beijing (if only I was lucky enough), but I did not succeed in the competition because I did not really mean it. I get other experiences during this school in the MAN 2, since I first followed the speech competition in English and it was take place in UIN. I am challenged by my English teacher is Mrs. Rika, she was sure that I would have to follow the race. It takes time to decide the race or not. Finally, I also seek the advice of my friend, Abdul Hadi. He was persuading me to follow the race because he was sure that I am able. Then I asked to my parents about this to make sure my decision because I would be sure if my parents give me an advice for something. Finally, after I asked parents and on my friends, I decided to accept the challenge of Mrs. Rika.  I never thought I would be in the 3rd place at the time because this was really the first time I joined the English speech contest. I am really thankful for that.

Other valuable experience was my extracurricular. I joined LISMAN 2. It is Lingkung Seni MAN 2. It was the extracurricular which deals with art such as dancing, singing, playing music instruments and preserve the sundanese culture including, karawitan, qoshidah, theater, and nasheed. And I joined the theater. In Lisman we were free to explore all areas and therefore I also tried other fields because we are required to be capable in all areas.

From these experiences, I have learned to regard every life experiences as if I have nothing to lose and so much to gain through the experience itself. I have learned to stand by your beliefs and to fight for what is right for you to accomplish your dreams.

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