Minggu, 26 Februari 2012

My Autobiography-Nurul Afifah Ridwan

An Autobiography
A.  My Identity
My name is Nurul Afifah Ridwan. I was born on 16 of June 1991 in Tasikmalaya, in Pagerageung. The location is behind the Mosque of Pagerageung, No. 135.
My parents gave me a beautiful name, it’s so meaningful. My name is taken from Arabic. Everybody knows that Arabic Is a language. When it’s translated into Indonesian it means the light whiches protected or avoided from sins, and Ridwan is my father’s name. We can say that family name, because all of my siblings have that name too.
My father’s name is Taufiq Ridwan and my mother’s name is Nurul Hayat. I have a big family. I am the sixth out of nine children. Two of my siblings are boys and six of my siblings are girls.
B.   My Education
When I was 6 years old my mother signed me to PGRI Kindergarten. It’s near from my house, so I used to go to school on foot. One year later. I was 7 years old, I signed in elementary school. The name of my elementary school is SDN Pagerageung II. The location is beside my Kindergarten.
After I graduated from elementary school”, my parents sent me to Islamic boarding school in Cideres, Sukamenak, Tasikmalaya. The name of that Islamic boarding school is MTs Al-.Munawwaroh. Fortunately that Islamic boarding school is my family’s.
There I lived with my grandmother. I was proud to be in this school, because I could get not only more knowledge but also some lectures of Islam religion. Time passed by, I finished my junior high school years in MTs Al-Munawwaroh.
After that I entered senior high school in Ciawi Tasikmalaya at SMAN I CIAWI. And then I continued my study in UIN SGD Bandung until now.
I remembered to someone who gave me support and spirit to continued my study, He said to me “Try to become a woman of success but rather than try to become a woman of value. Many values can make the Big success”. If I remember it, I always wanna grow up my chance.
One day I will show to the world and to all people that I can get success. And I Become a Success woman.
C.   My Hobby
I have so many hobbies. I couldn’t mention *them one by one, some of them are listening to music, reading books, sports, and helping my parents doing household if I have free time or in holiday. But my favorite hobby is doing sport like badminton, volley ball, table-tennis, soft ball, etc.
I always play badminton about three times in a week. I really like badminton very much. When I was in junior high school, I joined Badminton teams, and followed the tournament in Tasikmalaya regency. At that time, I play against the deputy of Ciamis regency. I played seriously with full of spirit, I didn’t feel tired although my skin is wet by sweat. No victory without struggle and effort. Finally I became the winner in that tournament. I got the trophy from the regent of Tasikmalaya regency. I felt so happy, all of my family, my friends, and my teachers gave me a blessing, congratulate, and gave some presents.

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