Senin, 27 Februari 2012

An Autobiography

My name is Muhammad Hakim; I was Born On August 11, 1991 in Cipanas. I am the second of two brothers in which my brother's girl. My childhood was not so different from most others, but when I was a small child who did not want quiet and mischievous. At the age of five, I entered kindergarten children Assyazilliah, which is where I first learned to write and read.
At six years old, I entered elementary school at SDN 1 Ciseureuh. During my elementary school, I was including children who tend to be quiet and not a child who may enter category of smart casual. I graduated from primary school and continue my junior high school at SMPN 2 Tegalega. As a junior, I was more familiar with a lot of people, and here also I got student council, but only briefly. Then after graduating from junior high school, I continued to SMAN 1 Sukaresmi that is located quite far from my home. Here, I majored in Natural Sciences. There was where I start liking English subject, and exact. When I was at class one, school required to follow one of the main organizations which exist. As long as class one, this is where I began to understand the organization and others. Moreover, at 2nd grade, I started seriously in the organization. RISMA (mosque teen bond) was a second school and identifier with friends who like all things abouts Islamic. RISMA taught me how to be helpful, creative, and religious. Unfortunately, when I got remove to 3rd class, schools required students to inactive in the organization. Indeed, without reason, school wanted the students concentrated in national exams. A week before the fateful day, a day filled with mixed feelings. Confused to think pass or not. However, I was in demand to pass as evidence of a sense of my responsibility to my parents. It came upon the time, and I faced it with sincerity, until it vanished at the time swallow. Finally, national exam was completed and the announcement came. Thank God I finally graduated although with an unsatisfied value but I am happy because the results of my own toil.

Graduated from Senior High School I was in dilemma to continue to collage or work. Most of my friends worked, but due consideration of the various things. I finally decided to continue my education and that was all for the support of parents. I continued my education at the University of Sunan Gunung Jati Bandung. As I write this autobiography, I am still studying at 4th semester of English Language and Literature Department. I am very grateful to my parents, especially my mother, brothers and sisters, and friends. In addition, most importantly do not forget that I am very grateful to God for all the grace that has given me. I have high expectations that will make me justify any means to get success. For me, try to do my best then I will get the best anyway.

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