Minggu, 29 April 2012

Discussion Text - Muri Iryanti

Discussion Text
Name              : Muri Iryanti
Class               : BSI IV C
Reg. No          : 1210503107

Using Internet for Students
            Advancement of technology in all the word now is so sophisticated. Almost all activity can be done quickly and easily. Now, everyone may know about International Network or is known as Internet. Based on my brother experience, sometimes he is ordered by his teacher to find assignment with using Internet. Although he is in the first grade in Junior High School, but in his school using Internet have been known. So, I think that Internet is so important for students.
            In the one hand, Internet is needed for students to help them in their assignments and to add their knowledge. I myself as a student in University need Internet to solve my assignments and to find something related my materials in my subject. In my opinion, Internet always supplies about anything what I search for. I get more knowledge and information from Internet. Except it, I can communicate with some my friends with using some address in Internet.
            In the other hand, using Internet for students make them more easy get anything. In my opinion, it makes them lazy to study. For example, when the exam come the students just use their mobile phone to search materials related to the questions. The others address in Internet make students use their long time to using Internet. It make them lazy and ignore the others activities. Using some address for adult in Internet for students’ under-aged is not good, because it is bad for their morale. The parents are expected to avoid and look after their children, so that they don’t using Internet to a bad thing. 
            So, we can use Internet appropriate for our needs. We must make it as help for good things. It’s so useful if we use Internet just regard as help for our problem in study and don’t solve problem about our assignment or our exam depend on Internet.

Kamis, 26 April 2012

Comparison Essay-Nurul Afifah

Name  : Nurul Afifah
Nim     : 1210503114
Class   : BSI IV C
Essay Writing
Comparison Essay
In this modern era, we are face to the globalization era. So many advanced technologies that make us easier to live our life. Talking about technology, we know that technology is something which use of scientific discoveries. Such as computer technology, transportation technology, etc. Transportation was divided into public transportation and private transportation.
Public transportation includes buses, subways, trains, and taxies. Private transportation usually refers to private cars, bicycle, or motorcycles. If I have to choose one of them, I prefer to use private transportation because so many advantages for me. It more comfort than public transportation. Not only comfortable but also makes me safe and secure from crimes, it makes faster to arrive to the destination.
Besides has advantages, private transportation has disadvantages also; many bad effects will appear and happen, such as make the street full of road vehicles and everywhere will get traffic jam. It does very hamper our activities.
If the government gives more attention and give some facilities and good service in public transportation, may be many users of private transportation will move to public transportation.

Minggu, 08 April 2012


Muhammad Khadafi

Obesity is a condition of excessive accumulation of body fat. Have excess weight, not be the size of one's body healthy. Obesity can be a serious problem because it could become a hotbed of various diseases. Overweight or obesity can occur due to excessive amount of food is assumed by someone. Obesity can lead to various diseases such as heart coronary, diabetes mellitus, lung function, increased levels of cholesterol, orthopedic disorders because of the support body weight, respiratory problems during sleep, can develop respiratory infections, and disorders of the skin. Not only that, obesity is also an impact on mentally disorders for someone who is experiencing.
Psycho-social disorders or exactly is low self-esteem, depressive and withdrawn from the environment. This is because obese children are often become the subject insult of his friends. It can also be due to the inability to carrying out a task or activity, especially to sport cause the existence of barriers movement by obesity.
Respiratory disorders have many infections of respiratory , sleep snoring, often sleepy during the day. When very severe disorder known as Pickwickian syndrome, the presence of alveolar hypoventilation.
This problem occurs because the lifestyle is not good. Lack of exercise, to much eat, irregular eating and unhealthy can be a trigger of this problem and other health related problems. If someone want to get that ideal body weight is quite easy. Consumption of a healthy and balanced diet: adequate carbohydrate, protein, fat, fiber, vitamins and minerals.

Pengembangan Essay Cause-effect

Merlia Safitri


Hereditary factors may influence the occurrence of obesity. The effect itself is not yet clear, but there is evidence to support the fact that the descendants of the amplifier is a factor of obesity.
Being in a room with a cool temperature is very comfortable. But be careful, too often linger in the air-conditioned room, you'll catch obesity. currently living continuously at a comfortable temperature, the body does not need to work to cool or warm the body.
 People who are less hours of sleep quality higher risk obese. When someone does not get enough rest, which could affect the formation of glucose leads to the emergence of diabetes.
Sleep deprivation can increase hunger. It also makes the body feel tired throughout the day so that physical activity was reduced. Lack of exercise and physical inactivity can lead to more rapid weight gain.
Habit of turning on lights during sleep can add several inches of waist circumference. Sleep with the lights remain lit room will make frequent waking. Awake at night, hungry and potentially make snack foods in the kitchen.
pollution can affect the body's metabolism. The combustion of waste found in the human body, often associated with obesity. So also with substances contained in pesticides. These substances interfere with the working system and inhibit metabolism.
Eating patterns are influenced by a person or a group of his friends. When we get together with a group of friends who are fond of fatty foods or sweet, unconsciously we will follow the way they eat. Someone who is easy to fat, making friends with people being small, but like to eat. Maybe for a small body, eating a lot is not a problem. But for an easy fat, follow a diet that skinny friends would make gaining weight rapidly.
Similarly, the habit of watching television since the age of three, can also occur at an earlier age, can cause a lack of physical activity in children, or lead to increased food consumption.
Therefore, a change of lifestyle is very important. Modifications since the early beginning of pregnancy since the mother, baby, until the children will reduce the risk of obesity later in life.

Essay Cause - Effect _Lia Tatsna Rif'ati

Lia Tatsna Rif'ati

 Car Accidents
Street highway accidents are still frequent. Even the number of accidents remains high despite the signs and traffic regulation system has been improved though. Therefore, to address the root cause of the accident was the best move. So what causes it.? First, the concentrations of impaired because of phone calls, reading and typing text messages. those who have seen evil in general call while driving, texting on a cell phone and daydreaming. All this to give my support to the accident. Second, fatigue and drowsiness. Tired bodies will lead to disruption of the sensory nerves and motoric nerves. As a result of concentration in the face of the road or driving conditions is reduced. Third, the driver was drunk or taking drugs. The cause of this is the second largest after driving while calling. Loss of consciousness, reflex capabilities, as well as the analysis of a person are a few things that caused by alcohol. Fourth, because of a rush. Another factor that can trigger the occurrence of accidents is driving in a hurry or anxious. With feeling depressed because of hunting time, people often ignore the condition of traffic signs. Distress was also the result of people not concentrating. They tend to drive a car with an aggressive manner, drove at high speed, ahead of another vehicle in an improper manner, not keeping a safe distance with other vehicles.   Therefore, if you encounter such conditions should take a break and wait for conditions to improve. This is to avoid accidents.

Cause and Effect-Nurul Afifah

Name  : Nurul Afifah
Class   : BSI IV C
Essay Writing
Flood is one of the most common natural disasters that causes of many factors and caused naturally by the overflow of the huge volume of water, from rivers, lakes, oceans, or by heavy rains or downpours, hurricanes, cyclones, or tsunamis, etc. Floods are often deadly, damaging and devastating. They kill lots of people, damage houses and crops, and cause extensive destruction.
There are also several human causes of floods. Deforestation is one of the major causes of floods. Trees are being cleared fast from large areas. As result, soil is easily eroded, and the eroded soil gets settled at the bottom of rivers and seas, which raises the level of water in rivers and seas, which consequently causes floods.
Sometimes floods are caused due to poor dams that cannot hold great volume of water and they give up causing floods in adjoining areas. Hence, there are always different causes of floods. However, human causes of floods can be avoided. Humans should let the nature go its own way.

Mira Nur Annisa - Essay Cause Effect

Mira Nur Annisa
Car Accidents

            There are so many car accidents in the world, especially in Indonesia. Car accidents often occurred on the road. The effect of car accidents  is not only caused people death but also injury, property damage, disability. There are several factors of the car accidents.
            The first is speedy and sleepy driving. If you sleepy when you driver, it will be make you  do not focus while driving. Don’t ever sleepy if you driving a car. Iit is very dangerous if you driving a car with speedy driving because you wanna quickly arrive at the destination.
            The second is caused bad conditions of the cars. If you wanna go anywhere with your family or friends. You have to check the condition of the car. You have to make sure that the car in the good condition before you wanna go anywhere.
            The third is bad roads. When passing through the bad roads. You should be reduce speed of the car because it is very dangerous if you do not reduce speed of the car. You have to brakes when passing through these roads. It’s can help the car passing bad roads very well.
            Finally, the big problem of car accidents is human factors. So, you have to be carefully if you driving a car. Then you have to obey traffic regulations. This is to avoid car accidents.