Minggu, 08 April 2012

Muri Iryanti --- Making a Cause-Effect Essay

Name     : Muri Iryanti
Class      : BSI IV C
Reg.No. : 1210503107


Juvenile delinquency is a teen's behavior inappropriate with the norms which live in the society. Because youth is transition and in the psychologist manner really problematic that sign with two opponent features, that are willing to rebel and apathetic, where in one side he doesn't have conviction yet and in another side they are looking for their self identity. Some effects of this problem are the morality damage, family anxiety to their children, and the changes in community life.

Juvenile delinquency builds the morality damage. Morality of juvenile offenders is usually affected by the closest communities to them such as street gangs and motorcycle gangs. They used to get drunk, speeding on the road even they hurt themselves with drugs. Not only that but also they steal money and do a free sex.

Next effect of juvenile delinquency is family’s anxiety to their children. The habit to come home late makes parents worried about their behavior. In fact, they often against parents and cause new problems are finally dragging their families.

Finally, the change in community life is other effect of juvenile delinquency. Bad behavior of juvenile offender is often making the society feel uncomfortable. Sometimes the society will give their opinion about the juvenile offenders. They judge them with negative points. So, this thing will make a bad situation for the offender itself and the family. This situation will make the offender and his family gets on his mental problems like depression and it could make ​​them become mad.

From these effects, we can see that juvenile delinquency is a serious problem and it is not just teenager responsible for, but also it is together responsible, for family, school or society. So, we can life together with a safe and comfortable condition.

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