Jumat, 06 April 2012

caused effect essay by Lina karlina BSI IV C

Name        : Lina karlina
Class         : BSI IV C
Reg.No     : 1210503082

Sleeping is a good night’s rest. It is a process of recharging body become fresh and relaxes.  Every day people needs sleeping time during six up to eight hours. It is enough to make human body keep healthy and fresh. Sleeping in the night is an important thing to do, especially for students. They have enough sleeping time everyday to keep their concentration to the lesson in the class; but unfortunately, many of them did not have enough sleeping time. They spent their night time for do their duty or playing game. They just sleep during two or three hours or even did not sleeping any more.  It will be getting worst, if they have bad sleeping time almost every day. Bad sleeping time caused many problems in student life.
In medical analysis the research find that not enough sleeping time in the night will appear acne in the face. It is the big problem, especially for students Acne is some thing like devil for them. Almost every young people avoid acne in their face. It will make them fells ashamed and not confident to meet with their friend or their girl/boy friend. They will avoid almost everyone. They will do many treatments to avoid it.
Bad sleeping time also make their eyes red and not have a shine. It will make a miss understanding of other perception to them. People will give bad perception, because some one who has red eyes is some one who drank alcohol drink.
Another effect of bad sleeping time is anemia. Their body will feel weak and tired. They will not have a passion to do activity because they feel not fresh and fit. It will make new problem. They activity will run not well and lost concentration in their class.
Many effects will come to our body because of bad sleeping time. I suggested students to avoid it and try to make high quality time of sleeping, because sleeping is some thing important in our life. Not only for keep their healthy but also keep social life run well.

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