Minggu, 25 Maret 2012

Juvenile and Mobile Phone

Name               : M. Iqbal Nur Fahmi A.
Reg No            : 1210503084
Class                : BSI-IIIC
Essay Writing Assinment
Juvenile and Mobile Phone
Mobile phone has changed human life, cause by distance as a problem. The most juvenile this period are very influenced by mobile phone. According to them, hand phone give helping in the communication. Cause for it they use mobile phone.
The most juvenile said, “the main purpose mobile phone as a communication device and to keep in touch with the people, as an entertainment and add helping in business.”
For the urban society, modern era force everything easily and quickly, to have mobile phone is a necessity for them. Absolutely, it has been a big opportunities for some communication enterprises to get profit. They compete to develop technology to create new product by the innovation, they force urban society to add life necessary. Development of technology is impossible to get perfect. There for, nothing technology has gotten final phase. The next invention and innovation still follow invention before. The process still goes on following will, desire and human necessary.
Something cannot be avoided is technology has negative effect, it influence the human life. It will make the people depended to technology.
Dependence to Mobile Phone
Some people confess their dependence to mobile phone has gotten high level. In the modern era, the necessary has forced presenting it in their life. The presenting has changed life pattern of human. Mobile phone has constructed life style and also society. Smart people say, “this is progress era”. Like or dislike, mobile phone cannot be avoided.
Negative and Positive Effect about Mobile phone
Mobile phone technology progress absolutely has negative and positive effect for user, an especially for juvenile.
This is positive and negative effect about mobile phone:
1.      Positive Effect:
Ø  Make easy in communication
Ø  To add knowledge about progress of technology
Ø  To increase friendship network

2.      Negative Effect:
Ø  Disturbing Child Expansion
With Sophisticated technology of feasts in hand phone such as camera, games, that will disturb juvenile in getting the lesson at the school or campus. They are busy with calling mobile phone, send massage service, and miss call from their friend or more over from their parents. There is something worse, that they use mobile phone to cheat at the examination. If we let it happen, our next generation will be slave of technology.
Ø  Radiation Effect
In addition to controversial about negative effect, using of mobile phone also has bad effect for healthy. Juvenile has been careful and wise to use or choose mobile phone especially for children. If it is not used, the children must not given opportunities to use mobile phone.
Ø  Disturbed to Crime Case
Juvenile and student are target of crime. Because in this age, psychology of them is still labile. And only with coaxing and sad by crime, they can be target of crime with very easy.
Ø  To Influence Attitude and Behavior of Juvenile
If parents do not control in using mobile phone, they can do action that must not be done, such as spread porn videos and porn pictures. That must not they watch.
Ø  Wasting
With mobile phone we have buy pulse and it is rich enough expense. Juvenile has not had income yet. They only get money from their parents. If they use their money in something not important it will be greedy.

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