Minggu, 11 Maret 2012

my autobiogarfy

My name is Nurfithri, just call me Ucu . I was born on April 17th 1992 in the diamond city, Garut. Exactly this date was coincide with the forth day after Idul Fithri, actually this case is the history of my name. I am a lucky girl because I have a great family that often teach me about the religion in everything I take. I have two sisters, the first sister named Elia Rahmah and the second sister named Tia Wardati. And I am as the last child be the history of the name of Ucu.
            I started to study when I was still four in Sejahtera Kindergarten. It is because my mother was a teacher there. So I enjoyed the class although my old was still so young. At that moment, Sejahtera was the one kindergarten in my village. I studied there as long as 3 years, but I never felt bored with all of activities there, so I was a diligent student who always joined the class very well.
I was the one student who wear the veil. All of my friends always wore some accessories in their hair, so they looked so beautiful. Sometime, I asked my mother to lose my veil like the others, but then my mother was angry to her.
            Studying as long as 3 years made me so easy to find some friends when I entered the Elementary School. Here, I started to find about all of myself. I was interested with the music that was teached by my mother, that was about Degung. Degung is a kind of music traditional in Jawa Barat. there are Saron, Bonang, Goong, Kendang and Sinden. I like Saron and Bonang, but because of my hobby was singing, I always showed as a Sinden.
            I also was interested with some contest of fashion show with the theme “Muslimah”. So I always joined this contest, and got the charter because I was a winner.
After my graduation from Elementary School, I continued my study in Malda Junior High School that is not too far from my house, so I always went to school on foot, it is just about 15 minutes.
            The first activity there was MOS, this is the orientation of students. I joined this activity very well, but I felt inferior with the others, because the others looked so beautiful and stylish with everything they wore. But when the others knew that my father was a fierce teacher there, I had so many friends that so kind to me.
I joined the organization of MPK and then I was asked to join the contest of the chief of that organization, but I refused that, because my time was limited, I had to learn more about the religion with my father. I also joined the organization of singing.
            When I was in the second class, there were some contest in the Capital of Garut. The headmaster was interested to send some students to join this contest. Rampak Sekar was an art that was chosen by her headmaster to join this contest, and I was asked to join this Rampak Sekar. I felt this world is so broad when I went to the Capital of Garut to join this contest, because at that time my village was a place that has the location so far from the rollway.
            The first agenda was Marching Band, actually this was to start the contest. This was the first time when I saw the showing of Marching Band and I was interested to join this, but there was no Marching Band in my school. The agenda was over and my mind always thought about Marching Band. But there was nothing that I can do, just daydream to join this Marching Band.
            When I was in the third class, I had to limit my time to focus about the last exam. I always studied so hard, because my father would so angry if I did not study seriously. So I got the second highest score when I finished my exam.
            After graduation from Junior High School, I had to face the struggle, because I had to continue my study in Purwakarta, this place’s location is so far from my hometown. I had to stay in Islamic Boarding School there, and the rule in this place was :”there was no one who can bring the media to connect every one”, so I could not connect my parents, because I could not bring mobile phone.
            I joined the first activity to see the promotion of some organizations in the field of my school that was named Torikh Bin Ziyard. I saw the showing of Marching Band that was promoting their organization. I was very happy and without asking anything, I said to my senior that I wanted to join this organization. I was be colourguard. But when I practiced to dance compactly with the others, actually this was for face festival in the Capital of Purwakarta, the teacher of this organization asked me to be a mayoret without consider about my basic in this case. The teacher just had assumption that the Mayoret has to has a beautiful face.
            Not only the organization of MB that I  joined, but also Nasyid. I had a group of Nasyid that was named Az-Zahra, and I was as a singer there.
            This was remind me to the activity that often I joined when I was in Elementary School, this is the contest of fashion show. I always joined this contest in my school, and the fate of my result always same with before. I was always be the winner.
            When I was in the second class, I tried to speak with the chief of organization of Marching Band, I wanted to be colourguard, because there were so many students who jealous with my position as a mayoret. But my planning was not be a real, because my teacher did not give me the permission to go out from my position. In the same time, my nasyid group always got some offers to show in another country. So I was be a busy student.
            I still always joined the fashion show, so when I showed in the opening of boutique, there was someone who asked me to be a model in Jakarta, but because of the requirement of this offer, I had to lose my veil, I refused this offer.
            When I was in the third class, I had to be a chief of organization of Marching Band. I was so tired because in the same time, I had to be a member of OPPAL, especially in the language program. But I always did my obligation as well as I could.
            After graduation from Senior High School, I was forced about my parent’s wishes. My parent wanted to have a daughter that study in AKPER. So, although I did not want to be a nurse, I joined the test to enter this University, PPNI Hasan Sadiqin. I had joined the first test, but when I wanted to join the second test, my parent gave me a chance to choose the University that I wanted.
            Actually I wanted to continue her study in UNPAD, but before I joined the test to enter this University, I had joined the test of PPA in UIN. She passed this test, so I forgot about my wishes to study in UNPAD.
Finally, I continued my study in UIN SGD Bandung. J

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