Jumat, 09 Maret 2012

autobiography created by mira nur annisa

My name is Mira Nur Annisa. I was born at The Rajawali Hospital Bandung  on 18 may of 1992. Iam the third child from Wahyudi Pratama and Alpian Sahroni. My Father gave me a beautiful name. My beautiful name is Mira Nur Annisa. I once asked My Father “what’s the meaning of Mira, Dad ?” My Father just answered that he gave me named “Mira” because I was born on May. And then “Nur” means light. Finally “Annisa” means woman. So, Mira Nur Annisa means Mira the light of woman.
That's why I brought up and nurtured by my grandmother and grandfather because of I was having a younger brother. I have a big family. I am the third out of fourth children. Three of My siblings are boys and one of my siblings are girls. That girl is Me. That moment I did not know and did not remember anything. I remember when I was  entered  Kindergarten.
I started my study when I was five years old. I entered Dharma Wanita Kinderdarten in my village. The located is in front of Situraja Town Square. It’s so near from My Grandma’s house. I used to go to school on foot everyday. Although all of My Friends older one year than Me.
One year later. I entered Elementary School twice. My Mother was a teacher at Babakan Bandung Elementary School (SDN Babakan Bandung). Then My Mother moved on the other  Situraja Elementary School (SDN Situraja) and I moved on with My Mom. It’s so near from my house. I was graduated in 2004 and I continued my study at Situraja Junior High School (SMPN 1 Situraja).
In 2007 I continued my study in Sumedang Senior High School (SMAN 1 Sumedang) in the city of Sumedang. I finished my study in 2010 and I continued again for my first degree (S1) in State Islamic University of Bandung, in West Java. I took English Department on Adab and Humaniora Faculty. Now, Iam in fourth semester.
If I already graduated from this university and I can get success. I wanna proud to my parents. I wanna prove it with my big effort. I become a success woman, such as a good teacher, business woman. I can get anything easier what I want. I always pray “Wish me always luck” and I always thanks to Allah SWT for everything.
I have so many hobbies in my daily activity. This is some of them : listening to music or radio, reading a book or magazine, sports, shopping, travelling, cooking something. But, my favorite hobby is travelling. I can refresh my mind with travelling. Travelling can make my bad mood to be a good mood.
Sometimes I can forget all of my problem with shopping, spending much time with my family, and hangout with my friends. I can sharing about anything with them. They are always give me the best solution.
That’s My Biography. The beauty of life with different people in this world. Because of the differences can unite and awaken us to be together.

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