Jumat, 09 Maret 2012

The Increases of crime rate (Outline & Essay ) -Muri Iryanti

Name : Muri Iryanti
Reg. No : 1210503107
Class : BSI IV C

I.                   Thesis statement:  
Many people think that the increase of crime rate is the result of the unsolved living problems.

II.                The problems that cause crime rate more increase
-          Monetary crisis
-          People lost their job

III.             Conclusion: No other effective ways to overcome the case except by upholding the rules of to be more tolerate to each other.


The Increases of crime rate

Many people think that the increase of crime rate is the result of the unsolved living problems.
Monetary crisis has long affected the nation. It has successfully changed the people’s lifestyle. For some people, because the crisis and the national reform movement yells, the condition of their lives has become more colorful. They feel free to act and to have anything they deserve.   They have much money and more properties.
However, for other people, crisis has downed them into the hard time. They cannot do much and do not have anything more else. Even to breathe feels very hard for them. In one side, they lost their jobs and could not find any income. In the other side they need food, clothes and other properties which is unavoidable. This condition causes them worse off. They only have hard option that is doing crime such as stealing, robbing selling illegal items and even prostituting.
The crisis has resulted in two different types of living styles, the strong and the weak. The strong becomes more colorful while the weak gets paler and paler. Both need to survive in their lives. No other effective ways to overcome the case except by upholding the rules to be more tolerate to each other. The strong protect the weak and the weak respect the strong. That’s all.

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