Minggu, 11 Maret 2012

Exercises from "Essay Writing" book - Muri Iryanti

Name              : Muri Iryanti
Reg.No           : 1210503107
Class               : English Department/ IV C


I feel that having paper read by a classmate is extremely important and helpful if the person is honest and willing to write down what he feels can be useful to the author.
One thing that I very often find people is too lenient and polite when they respond to a paper. They tend to write down all positive points because they feel guilty or foolish cutting down the papers. This does not benefit the author at all. The reason for getting reader reaction to a paper is to receive a second or third opinion. Let’s face it, in most cases there is a room for improvement in any paper. The job of the reader is to make helpful comments so that the author can go back and write an even better paper.
One example which I found fortunately, I had a very good reader. Seanu Ratu helped me out in many ways. She did encourage me and said that I could have a very good paper. But she also pointed out to me that my ideas weren’t developed clearly. She told me that I needed to have some “backing” for what I said. She also told me that examples would help a lot and would help tie the ideas together, too. And she brought to my attention that my conclusion was weak. Then she gave me what I hope was a good idea for my conclusion.
After Seanu Ratu finished reading and reacting to my paper, I went back and rewrote the whole paper, trying to develop and link my ideas together. I do feel that there was a definite improvement from my first rough draft to the second. Therefore, I feel having a reader’s reaction is very beneficial to the writer and should be used when writing any paper. 

LATIHAN 3.1.3        
  • Latihan 2.2.2
The Joy of Watching TV

Nowadays, many problems that make us unhappy and stress. It is because our brain is forced to think creatively and smartly in order that we can compete in our jobs and schools. But, if our brain is forced too much, it will depress us. To prevent it, we need some entertainments which refresh our mind. Many ways to refresh our mind and watching television is the solution to refresh our mind.
First, watcing television gives us some entertainments. Mostly TV channels present some programs which are amusing and attactive, such as TV dramas, movies and TV shows. TV dramas and movies present fiction stories which gives us funny, happy or sad stories. It makes the viewers come into the stories and enjoy it. It gives satisfaction for them. TV shows such as games, quizzes, comedies and reality shows take a part of entertainments too. It makes the viewers can stay all day in front of the television because it is absolutely not boring.
Second, watching television also gives us some information. News, talkshows and politics discussion are the informative one. News present the hot and latest issue and talkshows talk about everything that happen around us. Then, the politics discussions give us knowledge about government.
These advantages make us happy and enjoy watching television. It also can refresh our mind after our tiring activity in the office or school.

LATIHAN 3.1.4 & LATIHAN 3.1.5

7.      The presence of internet can be some advantages for students.
a. Helps student get more information
b. Students can search for materials needed
c. Adding student’s skill in using technology

As we know, in this globalization era where the Internet is not foreign. People using the Internet in their daily activities, including the students. The presence of internet has some advantages for students such as help them get more information, they can search for material needed and adding student’s skill in using technology.
Students are really helped by the presence of internet because they can get information from all over the world. It makes them know about the world, so they are not left about latest news.
Other advantage of the presence of internet is student can search for materials needed. It means that students can search material for their assignment which is helping them to do it.
A final example is adding student skill in using technology. Student can increase their skill on using technology not only the internet itself but also using computer or notebook well.
Finally, we can see that the presence of internet is bring most of good influence to students.

28.  I have several bad habits.
a. I always sleep late
b. Procrastination
c. I always late to eat

I know that people have several bad habits in their live. Usually these bad habits are difficult to remove from ourselves. I also have my own bad habits.
I get insomnia since I graduated from senior high school. I try to sleep well but I cannot because it. Actually I know that my habit is so bad because this habit bring some diseases in my future life.
Next bad habit is procrastination. It is the act of replacing high-priority actions with tasks of lower priority, or doing something from which one derives enjoyment, and thus putting off important tasks to a later time. This is also my bad habit. It is very hard to remove from myself.
Other bad habit is I always late to eat. It makes me get a disease, ulcer. I always late to eat lunch and dinner because I spend my time a lot in front of my computer and it makes me forget the time.
So, I try to remove these bad habits because all of them are a very bad thing for my own life.


Relaxing is the way for remove stress from ourselves. It can be from our works or maybe because of situation around us.  People have their ways to relax their selves like reading and listen to music.
One example of relaxing is reading. Reading activity make us more calm than before. We can focus at that time and stress naturally goes from ourselves.
Other example is listening to music. This activity makes our mood become better because the melody of a song can bring us into calmness. Calmness brings us to good situation. From that reason, we can do our working because our mood is already better because these activities.
Finally, we need a relax time in our life because we can do something if we have a good quality mood.

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